Took it slow today. After breakfast we sat around the hotel lobby (more comfortable than our small room) for two hours and brought the blog up to date with 4 posts about the prior day. This takes both of us. We go through the pics together and decide which ones to keep. David preps the "keeps," straightening and otherwise fudging them as needed, and uploads them to smugmug. Marian goes over the smugmug gallery and edits the captions and gets them in sequence. David drafts the blog post with the links to the pictures. Marian edits that and approves it for posting by clicking the "Publish" button.
That done, we went looking for lunch and found it in Place au Buerre (Square of the butter?) where there are five crêperies in a block.
Then we browsed around the very pleasant center of Quimper.
The cathedral, of course, dominates the skyline.
From almost anywhere.
So we went to check it out. Here's the big picture.
Unusual, there were two homeless(?) guys spare-changing at the main door.
We stepped in the door and David immediately exclaimed, loud enough that Marian shushed him, "It's crooked!"
We bought a guide pamphlet for a euro but it didn't explain the kinks. (Wikipedia to the rescue: "...unlike other Gothic cathedrals it slightly bends in the middle to match the contours of its location, and avoid an area that was swampy at the time of the construction.") Just the same we took several pictures to document that the roof sections don't line up straight.
Just in case, you know, if somebody would want to sue the builders. But having been dead for 400-plus years, they're probably judgement-proof.
That was about it, although somehow it ended up 10pm and the blog not done yet. For more pictures (we don't link everything here, it would run too long!) you can browse the Quimper gallery. Tomorrow we'll get out of town for the day.
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